Monday, June 13, 2011


So your sure he's out,
Dad whispered to Mom
content that I was
watching cartoons
and wouldn't hear.
I learned more stuff
that way- doing that
Zombie stare
in front of the TV.
Sure I'm sure
I got an email from
the department of
corrections- so if
anybody wanted to
go to his parole thingee.
Okay, my dad said,
just dont take any
collect calls.
I almost forgot about it,
then on Easter sunday
we are all sitting there,
in our usual places- me,
Mom and Dad, and
my big sister all in a row
on our pew six
from the front
when this guy wearing
a shiny suit walks in,
and walks right up
and sits with us.
My dad just slides over
and lets him
have the outside,
the Pastor nods at him
and the others keep
turning in thier seats to look.
My dad and him whisper back
and forth and giggle
and the Pastor
looks over again.
After church we all
go out to eat and
him and my dad
drive fast, racing-
and sis was scared
and Mom looked mad
but I wasn't sure.
After dinner him and Dad
fought for the check
and Dad ended up with it-
so he gives me a
hundred dollar bill
and says split that
with your sister.
After that I never
really saw him again
but I did hear lots of stories.
Dad passed a couple of
years back, and Mom
doesn't know but
I write my uncle letters
and send him money
in the fed joint where
he's at up North.

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