Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Phone Call With Ma After A Nice Reading of Women Poets

No Ma-
not like
Danny Thomas,
that's not
what I said,

the point is
I always 
she hated me
and she's
such a
great poet.

No, I never
met her
I am just always
afraid that-
in my poetry,
I come off
as a misogynist,

Yeah Ma,
sure I guess
you could say 
that - I guess
you could say
I dabble in 
misogyny but

I am not
even sure
I know what 
that means.

Okay Ma
uh huh
love you too, 
call you 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

City Weeds

A cotton haired black man limps
down the alley singing
a Cuban love song
so beautiful it belies
his disheveled appearance.

The pigeons at dusk,
chant the same mantra
as the night before and all
of the nights to come-
oh no, oh no, oh  no.

Shiny new cars whoosh
down damp side streets
with no sense of remorse
for dying days events;
still they flee.

Misfits, and the wretched
and the tragically hopeful
spring from cracks in the sidewalks
and from the shadows
among sparse city weeds.

It is the magic hour.
Out of town soft touches
and Tough Willie booze,
and the big lick good fix
is just out of reach.

It is the time of day that writes itself.
Karma's clock- between tick and tock
between malice and melancholy
when Angels and Demons
call truce. Sublime.

For the cement spawned weeds
it's the only thing that is real.
And darkness cools-
and for the weeds of sidewalks
it is the only thing that is real.

Friday, April 18, 2014


my gut shouts
my eyes
can barely
how fucked
I feel,
and she is
all shoulders
and cliches and
I hate
how much
I love her
right now.

I am left hanging
in pain,
a man
a whining-spirit

and worse I know
I will
rest in it.

Slumping down
hanging on
my arms
empty of you,
off feet
nailed in place
by selfish sadness,

overly anxious
to run to you,
a moment's relief.

I am convicted.
I am pierced.
I would die for you.

You will not have me.

it is finished.